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Tento nástroj umístí do dokumentu 2D objekt, který vznikne zploštěním pohledu vybraného tvaru založeného na objektu díl.
Draft Shape2DView projections can be displayed on a TechDraw Workbench page using the TechDraw DraftView command. Alternatively the TechDraw Workbench offer its own projection commands. But these create projections that are only displayed on the drawing page and not in the 3D view.
Projection of solid shapes onto the XY plane
Drawings with different linewidths for viewed and cut lines can easily be produced by using two shape2Dview objects from a same Arch SectionPlane. One of the shape2Dview objects has its projection mode set to Solid, which renders the viewed lines, and another set to Cut lines or Cut faces to render the cut lines. The two shape2Dviews are then placed at the same location, one on top of the other.
See also: Property editor.
A Draft Shape2DView object is derived from a Part Part2DObject and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:
): not used.Float
): not used.Nástroj TělesoDo2D může být použit v makrech a z konzoly Pythonu použitím následující funkce:
shape2dview = make_shape2dview(baseobj, projectionVector=None, facenumbers=[])
Change the ProjectionMode
property of the created object if required. It can be: "Solid"
, "Individual Faces"
, "Cutlines"
, "Cutfaces"
or "Solid faces"
import FreeCAD as App
import Draft
doc = App.newDocument()
box = doc.addObject("Part::Box", "Box")
box.Length = 2300
box.Width = 500
box.Height = 1000
shape1 = Draft.make_shape2dview(box)
shape2 = Draft.make_shape2dview(box, App.Vector(1, -1, 1))
shape3 = Draft.make_shape2dview(box, App.Vector(-1, 1, 1), [0, 5])
shape3.ProjectionMode = "Individual Faces"